finding common cards from early 90's to complete sets


melbourne, vic
Real Name
hey there,

new to this and thought id post to get some advice on where to find some commons that arent listed on ebay.

90-91 skybox - need 70 common cards

91-92 upper deck - need 4 common cards

92-93 hoops - need 2 common cards

92-93 hoops - need MJ and David Robinson Supreme COurt inserts

92-93 upper deck - need NBA draft trade card and # 288 common

any help would be appreciated, either online or local shops in Melbourne.

finally i will be able to complete these sets and put them away!

i have thousands of common and inserts from various early 90's sets. if you want to send a list i can look for them to help you.

cheers, greg.
Post a full list here and members might have them laying around.

What Ryan said :) Alot of us have a bunch of those oldies around, but usually packed away somewhere so if you post a list we have a reason to go through the memories and pull out the oldies for you :) I think from memory I might have the David Robinson Supreme Court...and can always hope on the commons you need. People here are very willing to help :thumbsup:
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