Dragonball Z - TAZOS - Looking to trade for ones I am missing

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Here to trade

Real Name
Hello everyone,
I am currently trying to get all of the standard tazos for Dragonball Z from S1, 2 and 3; all variations, power levels, backing colours and connection types (S2). I have plenty of DBZ S2 tazos to trade (Sealed and opened) and plenty of other types of tazos (Digimon-FX and Pokemon Stadium). If you are interested in making a trade, and have some DBZ tazos available let me know, and I can organise to compare checklists or provide my own checklist. If you are also selling bulk DBZ tazos for cheap prices or individuals for cheap prices, also let me know :)

Hope to hear from some people, and hoping to get my way through these very large sets.

I'm collecting all the DBZ series 2 Octagonal variants as well, and would be interested to see what you have on your list.

The 31-60 range in the Octagonals seems to be VERY complicated indeed!!

Hey John,
Yeah they are the trickier ones. I'll try and get a list up of all the ones I have unsealed and sealed, specifying them. Primarily I think omst of the doubles come from the first 30, but I still think I have some sealed of the others.
Alright. All Unsealed unless specified.

Babidi #1 - 24,000,00 - R Trademark
Majin Buu #2 - 15,000,000 - R Trademark
Evil Buu #3 - 7,000,000 - R Trademark and t Trademark
Tournament Great Saiyaman #8 - 5,000,000 - R Trademark
Goten #14 - 8,000,000 - R Trademark
Super Saiyan Goten #15 - 22,000,000 - t Trademark
Gotenks #16 - 18,000,000 - R Trademark
Hercule #18 - 13,000,000 - R Trademark - Sealed facing outwards
Supreme Kai #20 - 2,000,000 - t Trademark - Sealed facing inwards
Pikkon #23 - 12,000,000 - t Trademark - Sealed facing inwards
Spopovich #24 - 7,000,000 - R Trademark
Trunks #25 - 10,000,000 - R Trademark
Super Saiyan Trunks #26 - 16,000,000 - t Trademark
Vegeta #27 - 3,000,000 - t Trademark - Sealed facing inwards
Super Saiyan Vegeta #28 - 19,000,000 - t Trademark
Krillin against Pintar #54 - 30,000,000 - t Trademark - Sealed facing inwards
Buu Transformed! #58 - 28,000,000 - t Trademark - Sealed facing inwards
Piccolo teaches the art of fusion #60 - 33,000,000 - t Trademark - Sealed facing inwards.

Apparently I didn't have as many doubles as I thought.
However that is all I have and if you are interested in any, I can give you a link to my current checklist.
Thanks for that
I've got all the 1-30's [479 of 480] except one (#28 Asian font Red 24M Cut2)

Do you know the spakatak site? That's got all the known versions listed there.

31-45 are the trickiest, as there's Earth/Fire/Water on front, plus the back colors, plus power levels, PLUS cut1 and cut2....

46-60 don't have a front symbol, so they are just power levels, plus back color, plus c1 and c2

Cut 1 are the ones with one side straight on the large notch; and Cut 2's are angled on each side.

Your #54 would be a green back? I need in C2 (you call them TM?)
#58 28million should be a Red back (I need in C2)
#60 33m should be either Red or Blue (I need C2 in Red, or C1 in Blue)
I don't bother with sealed ones; I'll open them....!!
I don't have any spares myself but know someone who has plenty, so may be able to get some.

Would like to see your list of what you have. Can send me a PM?

Everything that is on there I own personally, so if it isn't on there I need it haha.
Primarily look at set 2, as I will have to upgrade series 1, as I have a bulk lot coming in.
I've just had a squizz at your list for series 2, 46-60, and you have listed #53 Great Saiyaman power 26M as a GREEN back, is that right?
That would be a new one to me! I've got it in Red and Blue for 26M power, not Green.

I'll go through your 31-45 list a bit later, that one is more complicated.....
Righto mate. I'd probably prefer first 30 if able. I'll go and check that tazo. I could have sworn it is green back.
Ah, yes, so it's a blue one.
If anyone knows the pattern for the Series 2 DBZ's #31 to 60 I'd like to know......
They seem so random in back color, power levels and front symbol :confused:
I have a series 3 fluro goku with cooler's name on the back :s
Reckon that's worth anything?
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