Does anyone collect Non sport boxes ?


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I am thinking about starting to collect sealed boxes of cards rather than getting the sets .
As I am a completist & I have to make a master set of every set I own plus binders sell sheets etc..
So with these limited new card release's like The walking dead patch cards I will never be able to get a true master set

I have all (15) master sets for x-files an a sealed box of each set
fringe boxes
The big bang box

I am working on buying boxes from other Non sports sets mainly TV shows
Does anyone else collect boxes either after they have master sets or just boxes without owning the sets ?
I haven't heard of anyone who does this. I do know other people (like your X-Files) who include a sealed box as part of any master set. I also know a lot of collectors who include an open flattened box with any set they collect (and usually a carefully opened packet as well).

I don't have the self control to keep sealed boxes as part of a collection - if I like the set, I want to open everything.
Thats huge, in this day and age, nearly impossible to get a True Master Set, with so many variations on cards, limited release's etc very hard...
As Jen said i "try" to collect all the set, plus empty box and packet, dont have the funds to also collect a sealed box, not to mention the temptation to open it...
a few boxes i own
i collect old sealed boxes of anything upper deck (NBA). got nothing like your collection tho. very nice...
i collect old sealed boxes of anything upper deck (NBA). got nothing like your collection tho. very nice...

I have been collecting x-files merchandise for 17 years or so
& just started on buying other cards this year
I got a mixed lot . If I see them going cheap I place a bid .
if I win great , If I didn't win I couldn't care less
& some boxes I bought as I didnt have to pay the extra shipping to Australia
I got them with free shipping as they were from the same seller .
So they were just filling the shipping box
I should of said 11 different boxes as I have a few doubles coming in this week .
I have a few new releases or soon to be released ordered .

007 tomorrow never dies
Mars Attacks 2012
Stargate SG1 season 8
Stargate heroes
Star trek Remasterered
Marvel Greatest Heroes 2012 x 2boxes
The Osbournes 2002
Harry Potter POA
LOTR two towers
Razor ink Vault 2010 x 2 ( I wanted these )
Spiderman 3

I only buy NON sports as I don't know enough ( anything ) about sports boxes
which ones do I collect . Do I collect mainly US sports , ie baseball etc. Or do I collect Australian sports
Ie Football ( Aussie Rules) , cricket etc...
If I wanted to resell them ( in years to come or if I need the money quick ) I think the US sports would be more likely to sell in the future
that is very impressive man

Thanks been working on the x-files collection for a few years now . almost out of room . So I have started collecting non sport boxes ( like that will help create room, what am i thinking ) only pick boxes up when I get good prices
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