Bonds is the man! 757 home runs!


United States, Blairsville Georgia
Real Name
Susan Calyore
eBay User
I am still looking forward to making some great trades with anyone for some Barry Bonds cards that I do not have.
I have finally depleted all of my other sports cards, including the Baseball cards, except for the one card that I do not sell , unless, of course, it pays a great dividend, and that one card is Barry Bonds.
He has broken the long held record of Hank Aaron, finally, and now he is two ahead of him.
Bonds is an incredible hitter and may even make the 800 mark.
Whatever he does, it will take another dedicated player who can make the home run mark consistently and devote his mark to that to even get close.
Well, I am not printing a newscast, just looking for those Bonds cards.
I am here if you have what I need and you can check out my webpage for my list!
In my webpage, if , where is tell the card number and I have "none", it is because it is a sealed set and there is not a number on the box.
It does not imply that I do not have the card.
On the contrary, I have every card that is listed on my forum.
Thanks, just wanted to clarify that for you!
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