Fleer Retro thoughts so far

I don't like how the Stars or Court Masters are not embossed like the originals. I don't really like this stuff so much.
Exquisite with college uniforms and black and white photos will hardly look exquisite.

They apparently had 'sneak peeks' of it at the Vegas Summit:

And a sneak peak of an MJ auto:

Apparently they have been doing Exquisite Football for a while which included college uniform stuff??

Still, I think it will KILL the name! And bring all the shilled Exquisite prices back down to earth!
They apparently had 'sneak peeks' of it at the Vegas Summit:

And a sneak peak of an MJ auto:

Apparently they have been doing Exquisite Football for a while which included college uniform stuff??

Still, I think it will KILL the name! And bring all the shilled Exquisite prices back down to earth!

Yeah they have been doing Football for a few years, but Collage Football is the biggest sport in the US so they can get away with it. Not sure if I'd buy any collage NBA, maybe some Gordon Hayward in Butler uniform.
During pre-sells I thought "ew, college uniforms, disgusting. Great idea but the uniforms will kill it".
Now that I see the cards I'm partially excited (nostalgia) but mostly feeling pretty right.
The photo selection is horrible and repetitive, the designs are a bit weak (Cut Above are just shiny chrome, the originals were wayyyyyyy nicer), the player selection is also horrible and repetitive (apart from the big stars) and with so many PMGs flying around I can't believe how much people are asking for/bidding.

In summary:
Idea - great
Execution - lazy
Overall - exciting but disappointing
I was going to make a comment last night after I had looked at a couple of promo's and saw one break, but I thought "No, don't be the negative guy, bagging out the product literally as it hits the streets". So I kept my comments to myself, but now I see that I am absolutely not alone in thinking that this has got to be one of the biggest let downs in recent history.

For so much hype, the postponed release(s), the price increases etc I was expecting something good, make that better than good, but I have seen 3 breaks so far, with 1 that was ridiculously bad and 2 that were what I would call a disappointment, a disappointment if I bought a box of $100 Hoops that is. There was not 1 auto that I would pay more than $10 for, and no PMG's at all, as in NONE. Sorry but for $300 I would want to have at least something that I can look at once I was done and say "That is really nice".

Now I should say that I was not a collector in the late 90's, so most of these retro designs hold absolutely zero sentimental value to me (bar the Rookie Sensations subset, they were around in early/mid 90's), so maybe its just me, but most of these designs are not pleasing to the eye at all (my eyes at least), I can't stand the look of the Jambalaya inserts and the Intimidation Nation inserts are plain terrible, so unless you pull one of the Jordan Auto's, I fail to see how this price of $300+ can be taken as anything other than a way for Upper Deck to pay their court/lawsuit costs.

I was seriously considering getting a box of this, but now it becomes a no-brainer...$300 more to spend on Panini Threads in October. That would be almost 3 boxes, which would mean 9 Auto's and 3 GU'd, certainly not a comparison for mine. Sorry Upper Deck but you just lost a swinging voter, Panini all the way!!
Lost all interest in this product when there was no DeMarcus on the checklist.

But I also think they have missed the mark, definitely over priced too.
Really? When? Will they have college unis or photoshopped out logos?
Just the link I posted ^^ up there ^^

In between pics 4 and 5 it mentions that they release some sneak peeks at the Summit in March. Also linked the pic of the Jordan auto which was supposed to be one of the designs!

Apparently there is talk of making it 1 guaranteed Jordan auto per case or box??? :(
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