Wrestling autos

Cards, or auto'd pics?

I have two autos of Scott Hall and Kevin Nash, with pics of them signing as they did. Was at a WWE presale in Chicago around 2002. Let me know if you're interested as I wouldn't mind moving the Nash. The Hall... might wanna hang onto that one. He was one cool bastard, that one.
I was after the WCW/NWO auto cards from topps back in 98 /99.

Thanks for your help

Got a few, but I am hanging onto them. Jericho, Bigelow, DDP, Bret Hart, and Eddie Guererro.

Also got the 'great' :( Dave Penzer. You can imagine my disappointment when I pulled that one.

There was a shop in Moonee Ponds, Melbourne who used to have a few of these for sale. It's where I got the Jericho and Bigelow autos about twelve months ago. The shop was called Poetic Jungle, but someone told me a few weeks back that it had closed down. Might pay to see if you can track down the seller if he's still selling privately.
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