worst movie ever...


David Robinson Collector
Sydney, Australia
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eBay User
well I thought paying to see Welcome to Mooseport (staring Ray Ramano) was probably the worst movie Ive ever seen...I think we have a new winner...

Happy Endings (Lisa Kudrow) had to be the worst movie Ive ever seen, it had no flow, no story, its like a million and one ideas thrown hap-hazzadly into over 2 hours...the gay (men) sex scenes didnt go down to well, or the guy self-gratifying himself over CCTV tapes of another guy...

whatever you do...dont see it!
yeah, saw it at the cinemas last night, id never heard of it, but it was the only thing on at the time we got there, and I had a ticket that was expiring yesterday!
blade, tombraider are 2 of the worst

we had abot 7 ppl walk out of the cinemas in blade
any movie with angelina jolie wearing skin tight shorts cannot be bad :D

and i dont mind street fighter, its hell funny. it goes beyond shit into that so bad its good category.
I know.. what's wrong with Tomb Raider? ;)

And Blade.. I thought it was heaps cool.

Now, Queen of the Damned.. LOL.

also, "Saved" is CRAP as.. forgot which chick starred on it.

What else.. "The Bride of Chucky"? LMAO.
i liked blade actually i liked all the blade movies , but i thought trinity was the best, there's the DVD call dark warrior .. i think thats it and it is SO SO SO bad , i turned it off after 5 mins absolutley terrible, showgirls is pretty terrible to
showgirls is pretty terrible

Terrible in what way? :lol:

I quite liked Blade, cool action scenes and creative monsters. Beats a few of the other comic movies that have been made recently. Catwoman, now thats a movie that sucked ass!#-o
Anyone watched "House of the Dead"? Not sure if it's the correct title.. it was recently shown around 6 months ago.

That was major mega ultra crap!
kidd05 said:
Anyone watched "House of the Dead"? Not sure if it's the correct title.. it was recently shown around 6 months ago.

That was major mega ultra crap!

Hell yeah, that muther****er Uwe Boll directed that, hes a German director and all his movies are absolutely horrible. anyone seen Alone in the Dark? im still emotionally scarred from that experience. the only way to watch his films are high or paro...otherwise you will just smash your tv in agony.
as was Napolean Dynamite


This was an absolute classic! Definate cult status! If not for Napolean, but Pedro "and all your wildest dreams will come true" Sanchez! Vote for Pedro!
Napoleon Dynamite does indeed rock! Sweet! So does The Blade trilogy.
The worst movie I've seen lately was 'House of Wax'. Now thats a crap movie.

WORST movie ever is Telephone starring Whoopi Goldberg.... not even the fish in the bath scene could save that movie.... nor the preseance of the funny woman herself....

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