What size is your sig?


Echelon base set Hunter
Ashfield, NSW
Real Name
eBay User
Hi guys,

Does everyone on here use the same SIG size? I've decided to make on and just wondering what sizes everyone is using. Had a look around couldn't see a lot of info on it. (Or was just skimming not truly looking for it)

Size in Pixels of course.
400x150 ... I always make mine that size, gives you extra space for links to your wantlist etc.
Also bear in mind if you use the Save for Web and Devices option in photoshop, the filesize is reduced greatly and you don't slow the forum up with loading times.
someone built mine a while back so i wouldnt know actually dimensions etc... looks killer though
Mine is huge compared to other people on here...comes up as 588x277 pixels though