View who's watching your ebay items?


I think there's plenty of people that will just watch a listing to see wether it sells or not, and if so how much for. More than likely they have the same card and would like to see the potential it could garnish, but will watch the same-card listing as a "guinea pig" for future reference incase they do list their item.

I'm sure some people also watch a listing just to bid or send an offer towards the final hours of it ending, hoping that the seller would then become a bit more desperate to sell his/her card and accept their low offer. OR, like many occasions the potential watchers usually miss the ending of a listing and miss out on buying it.

What do you guys think, does this make sense or am I just talking jibberish right now with my opinion ??

Regards, Mike

First part of your description is the way i am doing it, sometimes. Just watch to get a sense at what the upper sales end may be for my card and how quick that card sells