Trade Agreements


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eBay User
Just trying to find some completed deals I have made to update my photobucket, and noticed that 4 of my deals which have been complete are still in the trade agreement area (1 was in Nov 06 :confused: )

There's about 5 pages going back to last year of other peoples too.

How come this is the case?
Hey Sash, that would be my fault :) . I search through all the Trade posts and move them once complete. Now i cant go through every single one, so i dont bother with the threads that have 0 or 1 replys in them. 98% of the time they are incomplete. I only move the ones which have been completed by both members.

Cheers hope this helps mate, BTW at the end of every month i check the oldest threads and move the completed ones i missed or delete the incomplete ones.

Thanks Magic.
I guess you drew the short straw when it came time to see who would perfrorm this particular task ;)

Thanks for the info
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