Stoudamire, Diaw Suspended, Cheap Shot Bob gets 2 games.


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According to Yahoo sources....Diaw and Stoudmire get 1 game suspension each and Horry will receive 2 games suspension.


Double crap. That's harsh but I still see the Suns winning game 5. The real MVP will go nuts!
I know he's Canadian as well but how much did Nash look like Wolverine going up against Horry.. :woot:
BTW Horry got 2 games, 1 game for the foul and another for the raised elbow against Bell.

I can see the Suns trying to run the Spurs off the floor next game.

Bring on Game 5!

Bummer - Marion better have a big one!! I can't see the suns winning without Amare - but I hope they do....
Surprised that Horry got only 2 games, very dangerous (and very out of character might i add) play by shoulder charging Nash.

Pity for the Suns that Amare and Diaw get suspended, but thems the rules.
funny how nash stayed down long enough to make it look bad but got up quick smart to try to break up the melee. not saying it was milked or anything

horry deserves what he got. not gonna say anything bout amare or boris cause the rule sucks ass.

but that wouldnt of been out of place at an nfl game
Sucks for the Suns that they lose 2 good players like that.

If Barbosa, and Bell can shoot well from the outside, and Marion crashes them boards, Nash & Thomas will do the rest (Thomas to stay on Duncan, and get the boards, small points).

Horry is not known as a dirty player, but that was a dirty play.

It was purely in soreness from the Suns' streak they were on, and just about to win. If it was the 2nd quarter, it wouldnt have happend.
Stoudemire reacts to suspension, calls out Duncan news services

Amare Stoudemire reacted to his one-game suspension Wednesday and also wondered why Tim Duncan wasn't punished similarly when he stepped onto the court from the bench earlier in the game.

"I am disappointed that the NBA looked at the letter of the rule and not the spirit of the rule. I admit I stepped on the court, and that I should have had some more restraint, but Tim Duncan did the same thing but just not in such an aggressive manner. The rules are the rules, and I abide by them, and in that same vein, I think it would be beneficial for the league then to have also taken a further look at Tim Duncan," Stoudemire said.

The Phoenix Suns will face the San Antonio Spurs without Stoudemire and Boris Diaw on Wednesday night in Game 5 of the Western Conference semifinals.

The two are serving a one-game suspension for leaving the bench area following the flagrant foul by San Antonio's Robert Horry on Steve Nash in the waning seconds of Monday night's Game 4.

Horry gets a two-game suspension for what Nash called "a quality hip-check" and for a forearm to Raja Bell in the subsequent scrum.

NBA executive vice president Stu Jackson brushed aside a suggestion that Duncan violated the rule in the second quarter when he rushed onto the court after Francisco Elson dunked and landed on the shoulders of the Suns' James Jones.

"Both players got up," Jackson said. "There was no altercation, and they ran down to the other end of the court."

In an interview with Dan Patrick on ESPN Radio, David Stern defended the suspensions, saying that Stoudemire and Diaw brought the punishment upon themselves. He also scoffed at Patrick's insistence that Horry will decide the outcome of the series with his foul on Nash.

"It's being decided because two Phoenix Suns who knew about the rule, forgot about, couldn't control themselves or had coaches who couldn't control them," Stern said.

Stern said if the owners would like to change the rule in the offseason, he'd be happy to do it. But he also predicted there wouldn't be a repeat of this in the playoffs because of the punishment Stoudemire and Diaw received.

Suns coach Mike D'Antoni ripped the NBA's decision on Wednesday.

"You know we do have the most powerful microscopes and telescopes in the world in Arizona," Phoenix coach Mike D'Antoni said after the Suns' morning shootaround. "You could use those instruments and not find a shred of fairness or common sense in that decision."

The rule, strictly enforced in the past, is aimed at preventing a fight from escalating into a full-scale brawl.

"I know for a fact that Boris Diaw would never, ever be in a fight," D'Antoni said. "I know that. To suspend him for going to Steve Nash, for looking and curiosity, that's a little harsh."

The Frenchman Diaw said he could not remember being in a fight, even as a kid.

"I've been in the NBA for four years and I haven't got even one technical foul," Diaw said. "I was just looking to see that Steve was all right."

But he agreed he should have known better than to walk toward Nash.

"You fight against your instincts, but you've got to overcome that," Diaw said. "That was my mistake to walk a few feet toward Steve."

Stoudemire abandoned his excuse that he was trying to check in to the game.

"I know you can't step on the court and at that time it was a natural reaction," he said. "I was more concerned about Steve's health, and I got penalized for it."

Stoudemire said he would watch the game from his restaurant, "Stoudemire's Downtown," across the street from US Airways Center.

Meanwhile, Horry said he was "an old school guy" and that in his early years, his foul would have been no big deal. He said he bumped Nash when he realized he wouldn't be able to get in front of him to draw an offensive foul.

"If it would have been anybody but Steve Nash, it probably wouldn't have been two games," he said after the Spurs shootaround. "But you know Steve is a great player, MVP. He's a focal point of the NBA now and they just have to protect their players."

Horry said Nash over-dramatized the bump when he went flying into the scorer's table.

"I thought I'd just bump him a little bit," Horry said. "As you know, the great acting skills Steve has, when he hit the floor, then flopped and did 'Oh, I'm dying here' -- it happens. I really wasn't trying to hurt him. I had no malicious intent to hurt Steve. I like Steve. He's a good person."

Horry already was a target for Phoenix fans. When he was with the Suns in 1997, he tossed a towel in the face of then-coach Danny Ainge.

Now Phoenix fans have changed Horry's nickname from "Big Shot Rob" to "Cheap Shot Rob."

"It doesn't bother me," he said. "I was already hated here in Phoenix anyway, but the messed up thing is the boos were kind of disappearing. Damn, now I've got to start all over."

Popovich repeated his belief that Horry's foul was not that serious.

"It was a hard foul, it was a playoff foul," he said. "I've watched a lot of playoff games and seen harder fouls, so I didn't think that that was excessive. But on the film, he did what he did. He had his forearm up and it moved forward and he got suspended. I think one game would have probably been good enough. I think that two is a bit excessive."

Nash, knocked around like a pinball in this series, refused to address the issue.

"I don't really want to waste any energy talking about it," he said.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Man, if Amare spent as much time working on his game as he does yapping to the media, he would be the MVP - Look at Nash's response "I don't really want to waste any energy talking about it".

If Amare was pissed about Bowen kicking him, flatten him! he is a beast, but he doesnt want to make a physical statement to Bowen; evidiently just a media statement.

Im sure a line about being good sportsmen will be trotted out, but if your getting hit and what not, and the refs arent doing anything about, flatten him or make sure he knows your not going to put up with; Amare probably sent Bowen a newspaper article to show him he meant business.

Agreed, what Horry did wasnt the best idea, in reality he should have just wrapped Nash up, actually possibly stupid and dangerous, but Amare knew the rules, and to say that Duncan should be suspended as well is simply not admitting that he did the wrong thing; Amare talks about the spirit of the law, what spirit?, that Amare had noble thoughts in his mind, helping his little PG, who surprising leap straight up as soon he had milked for long enough.

Diaw admitted at least that what he did was wrong.
funny how nash stayed down long enough to make it look bad but got up quick smart to try to break up the melee. not saying it was milked or anything

horry deserves what he got. not gonna say anything bout amare or boris cause the rule sucks ass.

but that wouldnt of been out of place at an nfl game

It was definately milked, you could see him deliberately make it look bigger on the replay
How good was Nash's interview after the game..... so funny!!!!!
I've created a topic about NBA rules that should make clear why amare & diaw were suspended:

if you don't have time to read, in short: If there is an altercation on the game floor, players from both team are not allowed to leave the bench. Not too sure about officials though. Failure to comply with this warrants a 1 game suspension effective for next game.
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