SP Game Used 1/1's....AMAZING!!!

yeah the ripped card was removed....apparently because i put jordan lebron in the title and it had nothing to do with jordan or lebron it got removed...what is fricken funny though is because i listed the foam has having a lebron and jordan resting on the foam its allowed to stay up!! cracks me up! im going to wait 30 days to get another free listing then list it again with a jordan card as a bonus! HK locked the link because they're pathetic scum bags...they let ljsbiggestfan trade on there and he's a fraud yet i get locked down because i hurt someones feelings...AND because exzibit dobbed me in.
In fairness, you didn't really need to get abusive on HK which is likely why they locked the thread... but funny funny stuff mate

since when have i been abusive? i only reacted to the comments made about me in pure defense..they were attacking my impecable character
well it may have not been DIRECTLY having a go at me...but they were ridiculing my listings which in turn is an indirect insinuation of ridicule upon my personal character for which i cannot and must not tolerate
I think there are a lot of grumpy collectors around at the moment...either hating themselves for the ****loads they spend on cardboard, for the way the hobby is heading (which is pretty much what u were taking the pias out of), or are jealous of the truckloads of ridiculous coin some can spend and others can't...

As a result some can't take a joke Slob cos they're past laughing at what has happened to themselves and the hobby....