Select Vs Team Coach


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Hey all, i currently collect carlton select AFL cards and am still unsure as to weather or not i should also start collecting the Team Coach cards? What is everyone else's opinion on select vs team coach? Personally i think the select cards are more for a collectors market however some of the teamcoach cards are also pretty cool. And do the team coach cards hold any value in the long run?
Hey guys, didn't get any replys on this thread so ill try again, just want peoples opinion because i still can't decide weather to start collecting team coach cards aswell. I like the look of the new team coach cards.
Generally the only ones that have held and increased there value are the 05 star wildcards, however if you were to collect teamcoach I would aim at collecting the star wildcards and magic wildcards since 2005 as this set together could have serious potential to increase in value in years to come.
hey mate, teamcoach dont tend to hold value as well and are more for the kids but in my opinion are much better to bust and are 1000's times better than series one of select. The silver codes also make it more interesting trying to win the prize cards. I recomend you start collecting teamcoach as makes it more interesting and changes things up a bit. =) Depending on what cards you collect you can also pick up the cards cheaply once season finishes and interest dies down
Yeah as said before, select cards have more value in them but I personally think it looks better when you look through your team collection and see teamcoach common, silver, gold and wildcard for each year, and it's more fun to collect.
Thanks guys, will have to have a look around and see what i can get, might even buy a few packs of the new team coach to have a look.
One more question, whats with the prize cards, you mentioned you can get code cards? What does that mean?
One more question, whats with the prize cards, you mentioned you can get code cards? What does that mean?
These are cards that you can win from entering codes on the teamcoach website to make up either a 4 player or 10 player line up and if these players do well and you are ranked in the top 25 you will be awarded a prize card of your choice. Hope this helped :)
yeah mate, just go onto A bit childish but a bit of fun. After all its good to re-live your childhood everyknow and then =)
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