Rockets could lose Yao for season


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Not wrong there! I think the Rockets seriously need to look at another back up big man! Maybe sign Bass, Curry

Ouch please do not mention those two names in the same sentence as the rockets again. Darryl Morey is too smart to ever sign those players- (only the new york of old would do that!!!)

We have to get a back up regardless, depending on how serious this is, depends on the quality of the back up- if he's ok we get a gorat or Zaza, if not we go for Chandler or Kaman...

But on the other hand Morey could be sick of getting phone calls about trades for yao so he's just blowing smoke
Its not gunna go through and they wouldnt close it but id prefer a trade. His contract isnt insured like mcgrady but hes got commerical potential.

So keep mcgrady with his financial backing, get rid of Yao. They cant afford to have more financial baggage.

They played great without Yao in later times of the Playoffs. How bout a trade for Thabeet. Memphis have given the rockets wonderful talent in the past with Shane and Lowry, it gives time for thabeet and Landry to develop and carry the position.

Eitther way i really think something huge in houston is going to go down.

And Calls that the chinese ownage contingent of the Cavs want Ming. What do they now have to offer now. Rockets would have been crazy to accept wallace. Another injury induced flop.
Landry is looking like a decent backup, even in playoffs he showed promise - with further development.
the problem is landry and is very raw and young personally if i were the rockets i would be chasing a decent center
I guess you never really no with a guy like Yao. He's an incredible athlete and an incredible size. Hopefully he gets better but what was meant to be the great Yao/McGrady era has really been terrible, and its a shame because both are among the very best in the game when they are healthy and on-point.

I can't see the rockets trading him, no matter what, he makes them way too much money- especially only costing them 16 mill.
Sure the rockets played ok against the lakers at home in the playoffs but it was obvious that we had no chance on the road. Hayes is too small to play C for more then 7 mins and is more suited to be a backup PF. (to guard players that play on the block).
Morey will definately NOT PANIC so you will not see Tmac or another trade go down unless we are getting a steal.

Thabeet is a poor mans Deke, so I think he'll be the biggest bust of the lottery( although having said that memphis wanted to get better defence, and Thabeet brings them that, so I can't see them trading him(not that we want him))

The Cav's don't have Wallace as he was always in the Shaq trade, but that was just media beat up anyway, (just as like yao going to the cavs because of Chinese owners as Lebron coming to the Rockets cause we have an american owner= not happening)

But I do agree something big is happening- probably with Tmac's contract in Feb. But it may be that we keep yao and he's out for the season, comes back next year no worries, let tmac go at the end of the season and we score a major signing in 2010. We will just have to wait and see what boy wonder will do, one thing for sure is he is now earning his money!!!!

Big men with serious foot problems rarely get over them !

I hope Ming is a different story but i don't see much good coming from his injury
Yeah fingers crossed he can- Other wise its bad not only the rockets but the NBA- 1 option is he has the same surgeries Big Z had which realigns the whole foot.

so what should the rockets do now since yao is out with knee problems?
I take it you meant Tmac- or you meant yao's foot

Sign/trade for a true center as 6'6" Hayes isn't gonna cut it for a whole season.
Well thats been our #2 priority this offseason (behind resigning artest) as we would have drafted a backup but the draft was weak with big men. So we always have been looking at signing a bigman backup but this Yao issue put a spanner in the works of the quality of the backup

Landry is looking like a decent backup, even in playoffs he showed promise - with further development
Landry is a natural undersize power forward, no way can he play as a starting centre- we would get eaten alive by kobe/roy etc as well as the big man, because landry is a slight defencive libility with him combining with scola.

Yeah Jimbo- the Tmac/Yao years are definately in their final days, sad to see they under achieved