Rate the last movie you watched

Mystic River 7/10 - Was pretty excited to watch this movie due to the level of success it had. Thought it was a fairly good movie especially the acting by Sean Penn and Kevin Bacon, but found it a little predictable in some instances
The Trust 5/10, this movie almost seemed pointless... loved Cage back in his early days and always give his movies a go for that reason but lately if you see his name you almost know its gonna be a B grade movie
Just watched The Real MVP: The Wanda Durant Story. 7/10.

It isn't your typical movie, but i enjoyed it. Gives you more context to what Kevin Durant and his family went though when he was growing up, from the struggles of living under a single parent household to where they are now. Nice insight to a great story.

The man from Uncle 8.5/10, Really enjoyed everything about this movie and loved the cast.

Sicario 7.5/10, A little slower paced movie for what I am used to but I am a huge Emily Blunt fan so stuck it out and ended up enjoying it.

Captain America civil war 8.5/10 If you love Marvel you will love this just like all the others!