Pre-loved/Brand new Transformers!


Real Name
Peter Liu
Hey guys, I'm on the hunt for transformers toys whether they are pre-loved or brand new ones based on the movie. In particular, I'm after:

Optimus Prime

So if you have any lying around and it's still in decent shape to play with, shoot me a PM with a photo and price :)

I used to have heaps of transformers when i was a kid, and my mum has a habit of keeping everything so they still might be around, will let you know :)
Yeh I've been watching them for about a month now. I really want the new Optimus Prime but it's going for ridiculous amounts atm that's why i thought I'd ask around here to see if anyone wants to get rid of any
Hey mate,never knew you were in to these Transformer toys:p .Who are they 4 you or your sis.

ps:great to see you back mate, can't wait till the next fair in Syd.:p
Hey guys, I'm on the hunt for transformers toys whether they are pre-loved or brand new ones based on the movie. In particular, I'm after:

Optimus Prime

So if you have any lying around and it's still in decent shape to play with, shoot me a PM with a photo and price :)


when i re-visit melb (nov) i'll take a photo of them

they're in used condition, and from memory i have

- devastator
- soundwave
- rumble
- ravage
- optimus prime
- ultra magmus
- sweep
- starscream
- one of the other dinobots (brontasaurus.. not sure who he is)
- space train
- mirage
- proceptor

can't remember the rest.. but there's a few

also got the voltron too and all the people for it (both car and lions version)

crap load of G.I joes.. mask.. centurions.. I've been meaning to ebay them for a while now, though i live in perth and all my shite is in melbourne (parents place)
that would great if you could get a few photos for me :) You have an awesome collection and i'm deff interested in a few of them White Choc
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