Praise to the Truth! Legend


Ricky Davis Collector
Brisbane, Australia
eBay User
What a legend Brad is, he sends me a suprise package today and enclosing was a 03-04 EX Parallel 31/90 (HIS JERSEY NUMBER)
I would only have about 200 Rickys if it wasnt for Brads help with eBay and him picking up some D's for me :D

All but praise, and best of luck with ya US Trip!! :thumbsup:

Great generosity and LONG LIVE the Ozcard Spirit :worthy:

heres a pic, my scanner isnt working and my digi only produced this crap picture but you get the idea. I got like 30 cards to scan up when i get around to fixing it or getting a new one :lol:


No worries Jon, I had something else for you too, but forgot to include it lol! Next time. I knew this card had to go in your PC, so I scored it for you ;)
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