Pokémon GO Discussion and picture thread

I'm seen 90 and caught 90 also. We had to go other side to the city and while we were 2+ hours from home we stopped in Geelong for some Pokemon Go. Very different commons out there - added 7 ryhorn and 5 geodude in an hour when I previously hadn't even seen either.

That is the secret, you have to get out and about.
Great deal of luck, being in the right place at the right time.
Just after leaving work tonight, Dragonite appeared on the radar.

I found a nearby Stop that had a Lure activated on it, thought that was the hot spot! I was wrong...

Once AGAIN.... I go the wrong damn way!!

That's like 4 times, now!!
Just after leaving work tonight, Dragonite appeared on the radar.

I found a nearby Stop that had a Lure activated on it, thought that was the hot spot! I was wrong...

Once AGAIN.... I go the wrong damn way!!

That's like 4 times, now!!
I had the same yesterday with Squirtle, he was second on the radar sitting next to the lure. After 10 mins of catching flotsem, I actively searched him out and caught him.
Headed one way he dropped to third on radar (wrong way), about face and went back the way I came about 1km from where I started to find him.
Have heard they are thinking of making the tracking system easier to use. Not sure if it will include the big white arrow, with exact distance, as was seen in the game trailer.
the new tracking system will only be easier for pokemon who spawn on pokestops. the ones that spawn in random locations will still be as difficult to find.

Anyone who has the game in san Francisco already has the new version. they are the current beta testers and a few youtubers happen to live there who have put videos out as to how it works. it will be much better than what we have now, but still not great.

if you are in a high populated area like parra river, circular key, places where there are heaps of people catching pokemon, use the poke go radar on the itunes app store. it works a treat, some consider it cheating. im fine with it while the radar is the way it is, if they fix it then i may stop using the app. It doesnt work in low populated areas anyway where i live. The people who created the app only run their algorithms in those high density areas like C QUAY
i've got over 1000 magikarp candy and thats two trips to paramatta river honestly. the place is ridiculous. i guarantee you if you spend 3 hours there you'll end up with about 4 or 5 dratini and enough magikarp candies for a gyarados. recommend it to anyone, have just walked in the door actually after spending a few hours there tonight. real good night tonight, got a massive muk (1800+), two dragonairs, a heap of dratinis, heaps of bulbasaurs and squirtles as well as two charmanders.
How is everyone doing with their Magikarp collecting?
I got a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG way to go and my best one is only 120.
Best I have seen are from 200-250.

With 120 yielding anywhere up to a 1,800 Gyrardos.

I've transferred the rest, but my Magikarp is 132CP, and have 200 candy. Half way there!

Just hatched my first 10k egg in a long time and I get a damn Eevee!!

I pulled a nice 595CP Eevee from my last 10Km egg, evolved into a 1571 Vaporeon! Was hoping for something new, but was over the moon with the upgraded Vaporeon.

Nice nest! I also pulled a Muk the other morning in bed (home sick), and he was 851CP for me.

Magikarp will spawn anywhere near water, just need to be patient - something I'm not. ha ha.

I'm currently level 21, with a tad over 40,000 XP until 22. Been stockpiling a stash of Pidgey's and candy! Currently have 30 Pidgey's and 223 candy.
Yeah the hoarding of pidgeys is crucial. weedles as well.

im up to 129/129 after evolving geodude and vuplix and into golem and ninetales last night.

i have enough candies to get a dragonite which is incredibly exciting but im planning to do my first Circiular Quay trip on saturday so i might wait till saturday night until i evolve it, on the odd chance i happen to grab a better dratini there on saturday.

Fingers crossed for lapras and snorlax on saturday, 30+ 10Km eggs and these two still elude me, its killing me.
Awesome stuff getting up to 129 !!!
I just hit 93 with Lickitung out of a 5km egg.
Picked up a 140 Magikarp today, which was 20 better than my previous favourite, 210 candies. Just over half way on the grind.
Going to hold out for at least a 180 before I even consider the evolution.
I'm on 79/82 at the moment. I'm yet to actually go hunting. All mine are mostly from eggs and walking to and from work. Went to circular quay for other thing so only caught what I walked past. Might go there again next weekend and sit for a few hours catching magicarp.
Check this site for ROUGH guide on Evolving Pokemon; https://pokefind.co/evolution.php

A 140CP Magikarp could grant a 1400CP - 1680CP Gyarados.

Nothing new for me today apart from a 603CP Bulbasaur. Still yet to evolve him, so that's a score I think!

I tried to evolve another Flareon this morning with my 542CP Eevee. Even with Pyro as the name, I ended up with a 1194CP Jolteon. Wanted the upgraded Flareon, but at least it was an upgrade over my previous Jolteon.
I tried to evolve another Flareon this morning with my 542CP Eevee. Even with Pyro as the name, I ended up with a 1194CP Jolteon. Wanted the upgraded Flareon, but at least it was an upgrade over my previous Jolteon.

Many people in the fb groups are all saying that the naming trick works only once then it's random
yeah from what i've heard the name trick only works once as well. in regards to the magikarp, check the IV's before you evolve them. just dont go evolving your highest CP one. nothing worse than evolving a dud after that candy grind.

Eg. my 133CP magikarp had a 99% perfect IV so i chose to evolve it rather than a 178CP with a 44% IV.