Pokémon GO Discussion and picture thread

If anyone finds a charmander nest in sydney, or dratini let me know. The redfern park dratini nest doesnt exist since the latest update, its now an eevee nest which is absolutely criminal.
87/88 seen/caught. Onix is my only 1 getting away - TWICE!

Went for a quick hunt last night, and managed to get the Wifey Pikachu, but I missed him (phone glitched).

I was talking to some fellow hunters and they mentioned they had an tracker app/site, I did ask but forgot the name they were using, so if anyone knows....??

Going to watch Suicide Squad tonight, hopefully a hunt or 3 after it before it's too late tonight.
Went for a brief 30-45min hunt last night. As soon as we got to the park, Pikachu spawned, and then spawned 2 more times whilst we were there!!

I also managed to grab Onix (FINALLY!), even though he was 11CP (ouch). Also got a couple of upgrades (higher CP), but only the 1 more new one - Seel (excluding Onix).

I'm now 89/89.

On the way home, Dragonite came up on the radar, but do you think we could find him! Pulled over, then a car pulled in behind us (so Wifey moved forward - thinking we were blocking their drive way), and then they left. We think they were doing the same. Then as we did a u-turn to go back (looking for him), another car did the same damn thing!! ha ha.

Still didnt find Dragonite, but we THINK we know where he is, and it's the 3rd time we've come through there and he's been on the radar, so hopefully another trip through might work out in our favor - seems to be of a night though.
Charmander turn up at work!

Got all excited... only to use up 2 Razzberry's, a blue and 2 ultra balls before he took off! He was CP353!!!

Could have done with him, for upgrading later.
Charmander turn up at work!

Got all excited... only to use up 2 Razzberry's, a blue and 2 ultra balls before he took off! He was CP353!!!

Could have done with him, for upgrading later.
I think all the original starter pokemon are like that. I started with charmander, I did find one in the wild, hit him once with a Great throw ... he jumped out of ball before first shake and was pooof gone.
I did not muck around when I finally found my first Pikachu this week, Razz then hit him with an Excellent throw with a Great ball, caught him first shot.
Been a while since i've last done an update.

Level 26 as of last night, went to parramatta river yesterday arvo on my home from work and got another 3 dratinis in the space of about 2 hours. Its the closest place to me where they spawn so i'll need a couple more trips out there, im at 60 candies i think.

But we are at

Seen 127, Caught 127...
The grind for new pokemon is pretty hard now. I could hlget a golem but i'm going to wait a little bit for a better geodude before i do that.

And this is my main squad at the moment.

Still missing the likes of lapras and snorlax.
Did pickup aerodactyl and hitmonchan this week though which i was pretty pumped about

Very nice mate !!!


You got some Pokemon!

I needed to get out hunting this weekend, but didnt. I got some car issues that's preventing me getting to my fave hot spots.

Speaking of Golbat's, I JUST snagged a 1111CP one. Slight upgrade over my previously evolved one of 883CP. I don't normally catch them, but when I was reading this, and he popped, I thought I'd check his CP since Wifey caught a nice one here earlier.

My highest is still my Clefable of 1228CP, with an Evolved Pidgeot of 1183CP.
Hit level 19 yesterday, straight to level 20 today when I evolved a bunch of stuff. Was out doing display home looking 2 hours plus away yesterday and we stopped for some Pokemon go - completely different range from what we have at home. Geodude and Ryhorn were plentiful which I hadn't even seen before let alone catch prior to that. I need one more of each now to evolve but that might take a while :|
Bit of a tip for you, heaps of players are starting to think Gen 2 will drop before christmas.

So i would suggest to start hoarding candies of the following 11 Pokemon. reason being obviously is they are the current gen 1 but they have evolves in gen 2.

Horsea - Seadra - Kingdra - Expected Candy Requirement (100)
Chansey -
Blissey - Expected Candy Requirement (100)
Scyther -
Scizor - Expected Candy Requirement (50)
Eevee ----
Umbreon - Expected Candy Requirement (25)
Espeon - Expected Candy Requirement (25)
Porygon -
Porygon 2 - Expected Candy Requirement (25)
Zubat - Golbat -
Crobat - Expected Candy Requirement (100)
Oddish - Gloom - Bellossom - Expected Candy Requirement (100)
Poliwag - Poliwhirl - Politoed - Expected Candy Requirement (100)
Slowpoke -
Slowking - Expected Candy Requirement (50)
Onix - Steelix - Expected Candy Requirement 100)

So yeah i know evolving is great for XP. but i would hold out on evolving any zubats, eevees, slowpokes, oddish and poliwags. keep the candies to get the new pokemon as soon as they drop them into the game
Yeah I really only evolve my rat army for the purpose of levelling up. Only needing 25 candy per and netting 1000XP with the lucky egg is the quickest way given how often they spawn.
Disappointed after I collected an Eevee from a 10KM egg until he was 595CP...

Evolved him into Vaporeon.... 1571CP!!! New high CP for me!

Also, for a ROUGH estimate on what you COULD expect from Evolving, pokefind.co is a decent site. It also has a tracker map, but doesnt do anything for me.