Optimum 2022

Optimum series 1 box sell for $550 even if you land a dual signature you will only just make your money back maybe. Second hand box market is strictly for breakers.
If I cannot get for retail I am not going to feed the flippers so many pay flipper prices So why should they not target it when there so many happy to pay double and more and feed them flippers year in and year out
Good luck today this will be the last release I bother with I’m done going forward I run a business and have officially been pushed aside, that’s life time to move onto other things in life, can’t wait for this bubble to burst and select come running back to the people who have propped them up for years when no one wanted it. And there are plenty of us resellers in the same boat.
bloody spot on
i think nothing is changing i just love select saying they cancel bot orders and other people doing the wrong thing i just laugh most of the bloody member are flippers just cannot control this you just have to suck it up and deal or just stop collecting just as my friends have because of this bullshit
You know i'd be less critical of Select if the increase profit over the last few years resulted in quality control and costumer service, twice now they've refused to respond about my Sam Mitchell Club Champion card being cut to the wrong size.
I've actually never had an issue with Select's customer service. They have always responded to my queries and in a timely manner as well.
As for the release, flippers and what not. People can sit here complaining until the cows come home but the fact of the matter is, that is the hobby now. It has become a cash cow for flippers, just like sneakers would have been when that first kicked off and still is now. In 5 years it will be something else. It's either adapt or get out.
So 8400 boxes produced.

SCC good for about 800?

6800 in the drop? 2 per person/bot

It theoretically should last longer than Brilliance. Maybe 30 seconds was a bit dramatic.

I'll go for 2 mins. Bots probably going to ease up a tad due to higher buy in a tougher selling market (looking at ebay)
Do not forget all bot orders cancelled LOFL
Do not forget all bot orders cancelled LOFL
They haven't cancelled a bot order. It's all empty threats

Before the bots caught on, there was heaps of stock returning due to greedy collectors.

Since they are onto cards, not one box has returned to sale after the initial sold out, because the bots look like legit real collectors

Don't forget many will be going to retailers.