Optimum 2022

time to warm up those fingers and get the credit card ready.
Say a 🙏 that every non-collecting blow-in gets frozen out off the release and the stock get to the real collectors.
Good luck all (were going to need it) !!!
as i said before it sad it just turned out as a flipper paradise for me i have collected from 1995 and its not collecting anymore just greedy fucks in it for the coin most would not even no what afl footy is most of my friends stop buying long ago because if this shit
One positive it mean cards will be around for a long time to come. However, said before there are negatives especially for long time collectors. Card collecting has changed you either adapt or become an onlooker. Not saying it is right but that is how it is at the moment.
I wish Select would require a collection photo for SCC members, you'd cut out over half of them.
I ask when I joined if they wanted proof of cards I have got over the years they Said no did not need you would think if members are only buying the other series not series one and other stuff should not be members and have there membership canceled.
It was inevitable that our card market would follow the US card market but on a much smaller scale. Our higher end market and lower end market are becoming quite distinguishable, like everything it seems it is just a bit delayed. Once money can be made it changes things and money can be made if you have supply in demand .
I am a member and will get two boxes but I still have a go and try and get two more I open mine and that’s what I have always done I can get four boxes of crap that do not even cover the costs but that’s what true collectors do
It was inevitable that our card market would follow the US card market but on a much smaller scale. Our higher end market and lower end market are becoming quite distinguishable, like everything it seems it is just a bit delayed. Once money can be made it changes things and money can be made if you have supply in demand .
Do agree with that it has taken a while but select are the same as the USA market all about the coin
One positive is the second hand sellers are not able to search cases , well because there aren’t many for sale . They get the product straight from Select and send it out , but you pay the price for that. Imo it’s open to some disingenuous behaviour when a case is purchased and boxes are sold separately that’s why the boxes are cheaper at times .
I am a member and will get two boxes but I still have a go and try and get two more I open mine and that’s what I have always done I can get four boxes of crap that do not even cover the costs but that’s what true collectors do
I am collector too haven’t sold anything I reckon for over a decade. But have had to change if I want product and it’s a lot more expensive no doubt about it
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