Non Paying Bidders......


Geelong, VIC
Real Name
eBay User
As always there are some jokers who need an ass kicking from ebay....

These are my items that were for sale:

Nintendo DS Car Charger Pack:
Karl Malone Card (Josh's):

Here's the deal:

Both items ended back within the first 10 days of December. Usual stuff happens. Send out an invoice. No check-out completed within first 4 days like asked to. Got a bit annoyed. No messages from these jokers at all by the 9th days (last day to make an attempt at paying or contact).

Open up Unpaid Item Disputes on both on the 10th day.

Stated both unpaid and no contact made.

One emailed me on the 18th with an email to my bigbog account (which we dont really use often).

The other made no contact at all.

One completed the check-out without even a sorry. Waited for a money order, received cash instead. Posted it straight back to them and left a negative (registered post i might add so they cant say we kept the money).

The other person said they would pay straight away after receiving my bank details. that was earlier this week, and since where they live they have a CBA bank, I know they had no excuse as I go there from time to time myself.

Read my negatives:

I have left so many in the past few weeks it's not funny.

Christmas is no excuse to me as I worked through it also, as did Josh. I still sent out items and paid for stuff.

GRrrrRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr at people I swear.
Try knocking on deadbeat buyers doors and get greeted with them standing there in their PJ's!\\/

I hate buyers the seem to think that no effort goes into selling and doing the right thing as a seller on eBay.
Try knocking on deadbeat buyers doors and get greeted with them standing there in their PJ's!\\/

I hate buyers the seem to think that no effort goes into selling and doing the right thing as a seller on eBay.

[-X Tsk Tsk you should know better ya peeping tom Chad

I put more effort into selling mum's stuff than my own
Sorry Josh but she was the one that emailed me telling me what she was wearing ;-)

I would have let the cash thing slide, would have just been happy to receive payment...would have saved you the effort of going to the post office to claim the money order.

and the reason they would have contacted you on your bigpond email account, would have been because its the one provided on ebay?
I'm with Marty on this one.

It sounds as if your bigpond email is the one linked to ebay. And yeah although they sent cash instead of the MO, is no REAL biggie. Wouldnt have mattered any way with the MO as you'd have to post the item anyways (so you could claim it at the same time).
As long as you receive payment, then what's the biggie ?

If someone doesnt pay for an auction, I just lodge a NPB and relist. I don't neg because I can't be ****ed getting one back. That's one of the things that is completely bullshit about Ebay.
I try and weed the "bad Buyers" by using the block bidder function but obviously you can't predict what people you have not deal with are like. Sorry to read about your probs PGC !
I had one recently who e-mailed me finally, two weeks after the auction ended mind you, with this gem.

The world is full of retards, and they seem to gravitate towards ebay!


Thanks for that mate, thats a classic story of stupidty, PLUS the really stupid "lol" at the end. How is that a "LOL" statement?
No communication. Dispute opened. No responce at all. Not even a sorry. LAZY!
Buyer chocanne78( 280

Hey Purple

I am also waiting for money from this person

Im off to open up one of those dispute thingies.. they arent answering my emails

That email is worthy of a LOL. 14 years old perhaps?

What a douche
Well, that person ended up getting their refund for their card, full refund mind you. They left me feedback, I'm assuming it was a positive since they said "Good Dealer, Sorry".

As for the one 20 minutes down the road from me...

No replies to ANY msgs on eBay, so I went through all my emails, found their email address, and sent this today:

"I am guessing you have not checked your messages in My Ebay on recently as you have not replied to any emails I have sent to you the past few weeks.

On the 9th of Jan 07 I received your payment for the item I had relisted (as you were far too late to pay), so I had arranged a Money Order for you, and delivered it to your address (*STREET NUMBER* *STREET NAME HERE* Seymour) that very day.

The money order has yet to be cashed in as I check the status of it every night before I go to bed to see if you have bothered to cash it in or not.

Obviously you haven't bothered since it is now the 20th Jan and it is still unpaid.

I had notified you, via eBay, that your money would be returned as soon as you paid due to the fact I had decided to re-list the item.

If the money order is NOT cashed in prior the 31st of this month (Jan), I will be canceling it, and you will not receive your refund as I had offered you (I could of been a real cow and kept it and said it never arrived, but no, I SPENT the $3.50 so you would get a FULL REFUND).

I insist you cash in that money order if you do not want to lose out on your money.


Just so you all know...

I received money from them after relisting the item, and made the full amount into a money order that very day, and personally delivered it to their address, in their mailbox. It's still unpaid to them and I'm getting annoyed at how rude they are being about it (no responces and not cashing it in). And they aren't on holidays either cos a car was home when I delivered it, and there was noise from inside.

Have I done the right thing in offering them a full refund? Or should I have given back a partial refund? Would I be a bad person if I cancelled the money order and kept the $25 since they don't seem too keen on keeping it :S
I'm getting annoyed at how rude they are being about it (no responces and not cashing it in). And they aren't on holidays either cos a car was home when I delivered it, and there was noise from inside.

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Have you reread your email to them ? It's been a whole 11 days for crying out loud! And 3 of those have been weekends. Ever heard of a thing called life ? Sometime it gets in the way of the unimportant things.

(I could of been a real cow and kept it and said it never arrived, but no, I SPENT the $3.50 so you would get a FULL REFUND). I insist you cash in that money order if you do not want to lose out on your money.

That's a statement right there. Remind me never to deal with you.

You also chose to spend $3.50 .. noone forced you. You were delivering it by hand - why not knock on the door and hand them the cash?? oh sorry, that might involve actually interacting with another human being on something other than the internet!!!

Would I be a bad person if I cancelled the money order and kept the $25 since they don't seem too keen on keeping it :S

I'm surprised you are even asking this question. For someone to even think about doing that, well it really says it all.

I received money from them after relisting the item, and made the full amount into a money order that very day, and personally delivered it to their address, in their mailbox.

And that's where your responsibility ends. It is absolutely ZERO concern of yours whether they've cashed it or not. You gave them back THEIR money, you know, the money that wasn't YOURS.

End of story.

If you had put cash in their letterbox and they hadn't touched that, would you be telling them that you would be coming over to collect it back off them since they have no intention of spending it ?

Yes, there is a thing called life. I had a death in the family and it didn't stop me from emailing sellers and buyers that very day to notify them that my payments and shipping will be delayed a few days. Manners are free, I believe.

There is also a post office (which is open over the weekend as it is also a newsagent) right across the road from them, 6am to 6/7pm. It's also not that hard to send me a msg saying they got it but haven't had a chance to cash it in.

They we're told not to bother paying, but obviously didn't read that email either.

Also. I wouldn't knock on anyone's front door as I would not want some stranger doing that to me. How would you like someone you've never met to rock up on your front door-step?

I don't even want their money. I just don't want Australia Post ending up with it if it goes unclaimed.

Oh, and the next time you take a cheap shot at my personal life (eg. interacting with people off the internet).... [-X You don't even know me at all or what I do for a living, so I'd suggest you shut the hell up on that part. Very much uncalled for considering other people on this forum spend more time online than me, so maybe they need to interact with other people off the internet also?