Mars Attacks Invasion Sketches mailday


Raider Nation!!
New Zealand
Real Name
eBay User
Picked up these 3 Mars Attack Invasion sketches recently...

Left, Mike Hampton. FT if anyone is interested (accidentally bid on this Hampton and won it when I was suppose to put a bid on the next Hampton... )

Middle, Mike Hampton again. Found this sketch pretty amusing, so couldn't resist passing it by. PC.

Right, Sam Gambino. This is just a pencil sketch, but something about it caught my eye. PC.

EDIT: Thought I had added these other two already but couldn't see them posted.

Left, Sian Mandrake. Really like this rough "sketch" type look. Sian sketches seem to sell pretty cheap too, so might have to add a couple more. PC.

Right, Jason Durden. Picked this one up when I purchased a mini-master set of Mars Attacks: Invasion when it was first released. FT if anyone is interested.
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