Legacy 2023

It's actually ridiculous. What price were they selling them at? When did they get released? Who was allowed to buy them? So many questions
It's actually ridiculous. What price were they selling them at? When did they get released? Who was allowed to buy them? So many questions

RRP with free shipping.
Seemed to have gone on sale on Saturday, and sold out yesterday around lunchtime.
Anyone could buy them - maximum of two boxes per order (not sure if multiple orders were allowed, I just got the one order in before they sold out).

Amazon also had Footy Stars hobby boxes at RRP for weeks after they’d sold out everywhere else earlier this year, I was buying 1-2 boxes a week for about a month after release.
Fuck me dead.

Bloody Amazon
it was 1 box per transaction, but seemed as though you could do multiple orders
nice to see the extra legacy, what I don’t get is why are Amazon selling boxes when actual card shops get stuff all product seems rediculous to me

100% mate, those sold to Amazon should have gone to SCC first.

I assume they have some deal with Amazon where they have to sell X amount of boxes of each release to Amazon.
Why don't SCC have access to 3 or 4 boxes instead? We pay a fee to be in the SCC and really, we don't get anything for it other than guaranteed one or two boxes, which if we're quick enough we can buy them anyway. The first year we got a cap and team folder, now 3 years later we get nothing. This is pretty poor by Select.