I can't believe my luck!!!


Perth, Western Australia
Real Name
Nathan Defrain
Like many other magicians I collect Bicycle brand and interesting playing cards from the US. There are a few decks of cards that are extremely rare to come by and tonight I am very excited to be the proud owner of the Gold Arcane Deck and first edition Black Ghost deck.

Only 5000 decks of first edition black ghosts were made by Ellusionist in conjunction with USPC...most of which were given immediately to magicians and private collectors. The remaining few decks were never sold but only given away in competitions or as gifts to high paying customers. Made in 2005 and reaching $300 - $400 on ebay these decks are becoming impossible to find...and I was GIVEN one in mint condition still perfectly sealed in its plastic!

The Gold Arcane printed only 5000 decks also but unlike the Black Ghost (where Ellusionist runs the commonly available second edition) USPC has shredded the original printing plates and these will never be re-run. So imagine my surprise when I was again GIVEN one of these decks...but not only that, it was sealed in one of only 300 hand crafted, gold bolted lucite cases!

Two of the rarest decks of cards today!...absolutely free!...I love my job
I had no idea what you were talking about so i searched on ebay for them. They look like some might cool playing cards! congratulations...
Congratulations (also no idea what you are referring to, but clearly exciting). I love it when someone really appreciates a part of their collection.