How do you approach a new collection?


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I’m just curious to know what people aim for when they start on a new set?

- is it just about collecting the base set plus a few sets of inserts & anything else that pops up?

- is it to just keep the cards you aesthetically like or for the players/teams you follow?

- or are you simply hoping to stumble across a rare gem that you can sell?

And when do you decide to stop collecting a set?

I’ve just finished collecting a base set plus some rookies, and have quite a lot of random inserts, but no complete sets of those. I’m not really sure where I want to go from here, as it seems a major waste of money to keep buying boxes/packets for the hope of picking up a few random cards I don’t have.
Honestly, it really depends on the individual. Personally, I'm a set and player collector but not one of those who has to have every single card of the set or player. With sets, if there's no short print subsets, I'll aim for the entire base set, if there are short print subsets, just the base set - anything else is bonus. With my player collections, whatever cards I can get I'm happy with.
Hi There,
As above - it depends on what pleases the individual. For myself, it depends which set it might be. For example with Select sets, I am trying to complete as close to a master set as I can of each of them, with exceptions, where I can't justify the cost of buying. I have a few Champions release Master Sets but I am willing to accept that there are others I will never achieve a Master set for, either due to cost or availability, so will complete as much of the remainder as I can. Which in itself can involve a pretty penny at times. However, since ESP/TLA have started, with the explosion of parallels, I have become a Team collector and aim to collect every Parramatta card that comes out each release (except for the Power Play cards which I didn't get into). In addition to which I pick up a full base set for each release. That's something I can justify and generally achieve given time. Also, I don't buy a lot in terms of boxes or packets, I generally pick up what I want on the second hand market, so I get exactly what I am looking for.
The odd decent hit I have made from buying packs and boxes, I have in the initial instance, offered on here for trade for something of equivalent value that I am after. Sometimes a trade or sale has ensued, but if not, the card goes back into storage, until I eventually get my cards more sorted and an extras list together, then might throw that up here.
After all that - it comes back to the beginning - what pleases the collector, in this case - you. Have a think of how you would like your collection to develop and look down the track. and work on a strategy to complete that goal. Once you have decided what/who you want to collect, you can make a list of your needs and go searching the second hand market for those you want/need to complete you goals. Starting on here would be a great jumping off point, as the collectors here are all sensational, and are in it as collectors, not to make a buck, and always willing to help if they can.
Thanks for the responses @taffster74 & @pharoh. This is the first set I’ve started collecting for 25 or so years so still trying to work out what my aim is. I think I’m happy to call it a day on this set (the wife & bank balance will be happy too!), and maybe focus on next year’s when it’s released.