How do I stop getting email from ozcardtrader?


I love this game.
Adelaide, SA
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eBay User

How do I stop getting email from ozcard trader eg when I get a PM or someone replys to a thread I started etc. I thought I switched it all off but I'm still getting to many emails grrr.

Thanks in advance

Edit: I think I have sorted it don't subsribe to thread and switch of email notifaction when I recv a PM.
click settings(top right of main forum page),on the next page click general option on the left, then 3rd option down is -Default Thread Subscription Mode:, change to- through my control panel only. you will still be able to see your subscribed threads but wont get emails every time someone replies to them.
Alternately u goto profile/subscribed threads and tick the boxes on your subscribed threads then change the options for each one by clicking selected threads at the bottom of the page, and choosing the option u want.. (useful if u only want emails for some of you thread subscriptions).
hope this helps.

Thanks for the detailed help batfink. I have gone to My Profile/My Settings/General Settings I have the option selected to not recv email. I'm sorry I could work out how to get to my control panel? I'm sure its pretty simple but I must be missing something!
You would probably also need to delete any existing subscriptions. If you look on one of the emails you get, it should have a link down the bottom to remove all subscriptions.
For your control panel u click on notifications/inbox (top right on main forum page). click on list subscriptions on the left to see ur subscribed threads.