going away


Ultimate Hawks Collector
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Real Name
well sort of. im going to adelaide on friday for a week so may not be on here. so anyone im currently working trades with dont worry if i dont answer ill answer em when i get back. you may need me to give me a reminder as to what the deal is

also anyone know of card shops in adelaide and addresses or appro where they are.
i know of only 1 shop in adelaide, its called Sports Card World. its situated just off the centre of the city, Rundle Mall, in a food court called Citi Centre Arcade. Its directly opposite the Mcdonalds in there. thats about the best directions i can give. havent been there myself for ages, cos prices are a litlle steep, probably no more than any other oz card shop though.

Have fun while your down here mate!
I went here when in Adelaide a few years back... nice enough guys - had a "specialist" for different cards. eg NBA, MTG, Pokemon etc. Wasn't happy with the $80 they offered me for a McLeod Signature /100 I mentioned I had. I sold it for $320 elsewhere
Yeah Ducky, I think you'll find the only shop in Adelaide is Sports Card World (for packs/singles). If you're in the suburbs, maybe try a newsgaent, as they may have single packs (but these are generally retail packs, not hobby, and usually Upper Deck).

There are probably a few other places that stock collectibles (like posters, big ticket items etc) at places like Kollectable Kaos.

How long you in Adelaide for, when are you here, and where you staying, if you don't mind me asking.
there on fri til thurs, and staying with friends in marden i think it is

if you see anyone wearing a nique jersey with red converse allstars. it'll be me
Marden, shit thats like 100 metres down the road from me. Theres some nice courts in Marden called Mars Stadium, you might see me down there, sometimes on my days off i play pick up with some other guys. ill be the red head guy bout 6 ft wearing the Tmac jersey.
Man, that's like the other, other side of town for me. Oh well, enjoy your visit to our fine state, and enjoy our now fully operational airport (recent upgrades).

I may be in SCW around 3:30pm Friday, but most likely won't be.
What, you miss the weather in QLD & decide to bring it with you???

This would have to be one of the crappiest summer days I can remember in Adelaide. Humid (for us, anyways), raining, warm.

yeah lol but at least the last few days have been ok
been to the barrosa valley and had a bit of wine hic
vistor harbour, check out the city, got some packs of cards (will do brak when i get home) checked out the freaks in town (i really mean the south AUSTRALIANS ) nah they had buskers all day yesterday which was cool. personally not as nice as brizzy i dont think but i may be a bit biases

gtg catch yas
glad you had a decent time while you were here, i reckon brisbane mall is about the same as rundle mall, pretty similar if i remember right. but your right, theres some freaks in rundle mall LOL!
For sure there are some freaks in the Mall. I think they may have been kicked out of Vic or NSW or something!!! ;-)

Glad to hear you had a good time though, and chacked out some of the nice local tourist venues (Victor Harbour & B/Valley).