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9 messages for your ebay listings is probably enough yeah? If people were interested they wouldve bid already i reckon..
Well mate i made this thread a month ago for my ebay listing's
i have been using the same thread or was i meant to start a new one??
9 bumps over a month sorry mate maybe you need to relax a little!
If you dont wanna read the post DONT
Cheers Mike
I don't need to relax. It would just be nice if the selling trading and auction posts had some mention of cards for sale or trade rather than just countless links to someone's ebay page, with no mention of what's on offer. I can happily ignore seeing the same generic post on top of the list every day, but I do wonder which new audience you're targeting each day that hasn't already seen the link once. In this case I don't see why bumping is necessary when you just keep adding more listings all the time, it's not like time is running out on a particular deal, or you're searching for a particular card, and it needs to be bumped.

And yes I know you're following the rules, it's not a dig at you, it's just an observation. I even bid on some of your listings.
Such an unnecessary and dumb comment in my opinion. No rules were broken and no need to even say anything...
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