Hey @hackadeandre ! Can you hold that MJ Members Only 50 for me until tomorrow please? Just want to get my wantlist needs in order, look at some pop reports etc and get back to you asap
Hey Liam,

Any inerest in a Devin Booker Certified Blue MIrror RC /99?

I'd be mainly interested in the Pippen Slam Funk but also the Kidd Meltdown, Garnet Game Film and Duncan Slam Cam...and everything else listed as per normal. hah hah
Hey Liam,

Any inerest in a Devin Booker Certified Blue MIrror RC /99?

I'd be mainly interested in the Pippen Slam Funk but also the Kidd Meltdown, Garnet Game Film and Duncan Slam Cam...and everything else listed as per normal. hah hah
Hey Skip yes definitely keen on that one I'll message you!