Awesome Ablett Snr mailday!!

That number 1 sig card is unbelievable! Almost as unbelievable as the mullet Mr.Ablett is sporting

Seriously though, I thought number 1's were always kept by the company that issued the cards, or maybe that is just a rumour, either way, that LE sig can't get any better!

Well done!
They would be 1994 and /500 it says on the front of the card, nice effort getting number 1 i saw #23 fs for $350
Seriously though, I thought number 1's were always kept by the company that issued the cards

think this question has been asked and answered on a previous page, your thinking of Select mate, they keep all #1's. this company is Dynamic, they went bust so even if they did keep all the #1's at the start they would have been sold off once the went broke.

Sorry mate, didn't see that post....

Either way, like I said, it can't get any better

Well Done Brad You have a habit of scoring the best numbers