Anybody got WoW cards?


Morrow Super Collector
Real Name
eBay User
Hi Guys,

Getting back into my World of Warcraft and it has prompted me to want to look at collecting some WoW cards, obviously big interest in loot cards. Does anybody here have any wow cards?

please lmk

Can you Lmk what you are chasing as i have alot of Wow cards and are you after only LOOT cards or after certain cards
to make up decks as me and a friend have alot of RARES for sale atm and other cards that we are getting
ride of since we no longer play the game


Well I don't know where to start... I don't really have much money to spend (was hoping to find someone who collected NBA so I could swap NBA for them) but I wouldn't mind building the sets (so however that works with TCG - I guess complete decks?). I just felt I would like to collect some, and loot cards would be good cause it helps me in game... but willing to look at anything really.

only really interested in pets or mounts - although i know mounts would prolly be out of my price range. keen on the two pets though. feel free to find out what else your friends have or portal cards.