A REAL bad week or 2


Gippsland, Vic
Real Name
eBay User
I dont even know really where to start. First off last week i was told i had to work Christmas eve and christmas day, doesnt sound that bad but christmas eve i have to start at 11pm and finish at 9am chrissy morning followed by an hours drive home. The last week my grandmother had a stroke, we took her to hospital where we found out she also has a brain tumor! They want to put her in a nursing home only there are no beds available around here. So my g/f and i have been taking care of her 24/7 in a 2 bedroom house along with our 2 kids. On top of that i just got a letter from the tax office saying that in 05 06 we didnt pay enough or something and are now asking for $3000+. And to top that off my job is lookin shakey after xmas so i have no idea what to do now, all i can do is try and keep looking foward. I only hope that next year looks a little better than this.

Oh almost forgot, on friday night my brother and law and myself went to see the screaming jet. Was a great night and afterwards we went to the pub. My brother inlaw was walking across the dance floor when he brushed some guys arm, the guy took a disliking to this and it just happened to be a member of the coffin cheaters bikers gang. Not a nice thing! He was set apun by 4 bikers and ended up with a broken nose, 2 black eyes and 2 cracked ribs. I escaped with only a cut cheek and a sore stomach. The police had to escort us home and advised us not to press charges. Havin a real nice week or so.

Keep your eyes out for a sales thread coming very shortly. KMart PC will be walking out the door i think, maybe even the kobes
man i thought i was having a tough time(just out of hospital)but mate you weeks are far worse and lets hope it gets better for you and your family

all the best mate

U poor bastard.

I have been applying for jobs for 6 months - applied for 7 - got 3 interviews - missed on them all - then today my boss told me she had given me a very average reference for the last one - makes me wonder how well I woulda done with her support - I'm gutted, all that effort......

Having said that - your problems put mine in perspective!!! Things MUST pick up for u mate

That is some major bad luck there buddy, hopefully that is the end of it and things turn around for you and your family.
Nice of the police to be trying to sweep a serious assault under the rug for a bikie gang.

If something like that happens you're better off not, they aren't scared of the law like most ppl would be and it'll end up way worse for the person who presses charges. Unfortunately you take your beating and try and forget it.