2011 NBA Offseason Rumours & Info

Kris Humphries liked it and put a ring on it.

But if Kim Kardashian wants to keep her 20.5 carat engagement ring, she is going to have to pay for it.

A clause in Kardashian and her soon-to-be-ex-husband's pre-nuptial agreement allows her to buy the ring — for which Humphries reportedly paid $2 million — from him for the original purchase price if they get divorced.

After fleeing Australia last week, Kardashian reportedly met up with Humphries yesterday to thrash out some outstanding issues.

Speaking of Kardashian's did you see the story of how Lamar Oden made an offer to the Sydney Kings to come and play one-off guest game last Friday night. The kings told him to f-off.
Nah basketball never stopped for Kd his been playing flat out. They should be televising the games the players have been organizing around America since the lockout begun
I've watch heaps of the games that have been played, watching a game with zero D and both teams not caring if they win or not is boring as hell.
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