2011 Champions - commons wanted

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Collects Aussies in the USA (MLB, NBA, NFL, WNBA)
Canberra, ACT
Real Name
eBay User
Yeah - I'm a low roller buying several packs at a time

Here are my current wants and spares for the 2011 AFL Champions series for anybody interested in a trade:

2011 AFL Champions

Common Wants: 60, 66, 80
Silvers wanted: SP169, SP170, SP171, SP172, SP173, SP174, SP175

Commons for trade: 1, 2, 4, 7, 9 (x2), 11, 20, 31, 34, 38, 47, 51, 58 (x3), 64, 67 (x2), 71, 78 (x4), 87 (x2), 97 (x4), 100, 106, 107, 112, 114, 117, 122 (x2), 123, 126, 127 (x3), 129, 130, 135, 143, 144, 146, 147, (x2), 149, 151, 154, 167 (x2), 165, 169, 171, 178 (x2), 180 (x3), 187, 190

Just a couple more! - Last Updated 20th Apr 2011
hi Have 12 of the commons you need (1 you can have got a black line in it) they are
3,43,56,79,108,121,124,139,163,176,182,183(the one with the black line)
will trade for 11,20,27,31,42,44,50,88,106,111,113
if you want to proceed send me your address in a private message
have 4 of the silvers you need but can't access them for a week
PM me with what ever other commons you need. Should be able to send you the rest of what you need. 5 common cards for $1 with free postage
PM Sent! Thanks. Have also included list of commons from other years I need in case you have them.
Probably need to wait for the moment - I'm just waiting on a couple of responses to confirm trades so my want list will probably shrink again in a day or so.
I'll update my want list in the original post once I confirm the other trades - cheers.
Looks like the remaining couple of deals I had in the works have come through so it looks like I've got the 2011 commons completed now (pending of course everything arriving safely via mail )

So, Bojob and Captain America - thanks for the offers but looks like I'm done. Appreciate everybody's help in getting the cards needed.

Now I'll be going back looking for the missing commons I need from previous years, but I'll raise a new thread for that.
Had several bulk lots come in today - thanks heaps guys!
Unfortunately, I was actually short a couple that I were expecting - cards 60, 66 and 80
I've updated the want and trade list on the original post, so if anybody can help with the last 3 cards, let me know! Thanks again everyone who's helped so far.

FYI - still working on the want/trade lists from previous years.

yeah mate I can send you those 3, no worries
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