2005-06 Ultimate Collection Box


Bad Boyz For Life
Real Name
Finally the waiting is over for me hahaha, just came home and see the Ultimate Box wrapped on my desk. Anwyay Tomorrow is the day i will open this precious which cost me sum $$ and I'm broke now :<

Ok tomorrow I'm planing to do live break around hmm 4.30-5.30 PM, hopefully I'll get home early. Just wish me the best aight!!!! :D
Will try to b there - never been on line for a live break - that's 6.30-7.30 NZ time. Awesome baby!!
wade - i gtg to dinner party tonight so... better save it for the best and i dont want to open it in a rush....... just be there LOL
hahaha patient is my word, anyway gtg now and thanks for your blessed LOL

c ya tomorrow all
well 5 pages of mojo last time got u a bron ....so maybe we can do the same for ya again g/l bro and have a nice dinner
Ah shit. Weren't you the dude that kept us waiting for the UD Trilogy? LOL!

I can't wait for tomorrow....... if I were you though, I'd open it and if I pulled an MJ, it would make the dinner party even sweeter. :)
Good luck! Hopefully you pull some nice cards/patches!

Whats the odds of a Bogut logo man being pulled in Aus? If you do I wouldnt mind first crack at it! :)

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