Completed 1711mark & Oz*


1711mark gets;


*Oz gets;

2 times True Romance cast signed Photos.

The Goodfellas in a future trade.

Sound good mate? Paying now...
Sorry we didn't get to this sooner but the deals went down real quick and I took it down as soon as I saw the first thread. He swears black and blue they are real autos of the stars but we are not going to allow them for sale here unless we KNOW they are. If it walks like a chicken, clucks like a chicken. Its usually a chicken ;-)

No problems Chad, not you fault mate. I checked out the COA and it looks like a photocopy mock up. My bad, I shouldn't have jumped in head first. Can't prove whether they're real or not but I have my doubts still.

Anyway, he's offered a refund while at the same time claiming they're authentic so all is good.
yeah I'd take the refund if i was you but ignorance is bliss as well if you just want a display item. Lets just say you wont be seeing these for sale again here.