Panini Blog Rare Printing Plates Give Panini America’s 2012 Score Football Serious Staying Power

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Traditionally speaking, most collectors look at mainstream, low-price-point trading card products as being low on bells, whistles and secondary-market value, too. But 2012 Score Football has proven to be far from traditional in the three months since its release.
After all, it’s not every day — if ever — that a 99-cent pack has the potential to deliver so much bang for a buck. For the first time ever, Panini America officials randomly inserted 1,600 Printing Plate 1/1s — historically the exclusive domain of higher-end products — into 2012 Score Football, marking the rare cards’ history-making first appearance in the venerable low-end brand.
And their inclusion has not only given the product serious staying power on the secondary market, it’s also helped Score deliver more value than ever before.
Many of the best Printing Plates to hit the secondary market so far have routinely sold for between $40 and $70, highlighted by the likes of Justin Blackmon, Peyton Manning and Rob Gronkowski. Heck, even a printing plate of Marvin McNutt sold for $50.
Those sales figures might not seem so eye-popping in the grand scheme of the football card landscape, but when you consider that every last one of them started inside of a 99-cent pack, they start to become significantly more substantial.
You can check out a gallery of 2012 Score Football’s little metal marvels below, realizing that these represent just the tip of a 1,600-card iceberg. In other words, there are still lots of Printing Plates waiting to be uncovered inside Score’s 99-cent packs.


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