Melbourne old timers: Did this happen to you too?


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So I'll cut to the chase. remember when basketball cards were the in thing with seemingly eeryone and there were card shops opening everywhere (My own included!)?

Well, eventually you'd make your way to the city and to Card Heaven and the smaller but cheaper Card Shark in that arcade across from the cinemas. Well, remember the guys who worked there? About two or three years ago I get a call out of the blue from one of them, making small talk and so on... then he asks me to invest in a shop-from-home scheme he had working. It was probably legit as they've since popped up everywhere, but a fool and his money are soon parted, and I still have mine.

So for anyone on the Melbourne card scene in the mid 90s, did you get a call as well? If you were on the mailing list, chances are they had your phone number laying around as well.
Ahh little rich kids. These guys were idiots. The whole shop started as a high school comunications project as these guys had rich daddys that put up the huge capital for a shop in the center of town. They continued it after the project finished too. It went bust a long time before most though and was pretty much the first to go.

I'm not suprised to hear they are another franchise scheme thing.

They also didnt' know their stuff. I bought a card off them and they laughed the whole time I bought it, not expecting anyone to pay the $150 for it. Well I got the last laugh as that card is the Larry Bird courtside auto of mine that Beckett mag asked for a pic of a few issues ago for the article "auto's you rarely see". LMOA.

I never went back in and a short time later it was gone. Never went on the mail list so I can't say I have been contacted.
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