What does Australia Day mean to you?

Yeah a real crock of shit...how exactly are my perceptions fucked up? Are you unaware of the truly horrible things that have been done to Indigenous Australians over the years? Are we meant to just say oh sorry we stole your land, stole your children, raped your women and tried to breed the black out of you guys mate. All good now? Even now, look at the life expectancies of Indigenous Australians, the health problems they face, and the reasons for all these problems - substances introduced by those who invaded them, trying to deal with being taken from their parents or losing their children because white people think they knew everything (was happening into the 1970s so don't try to say it's not relevant anymore, many of these people are only now 40-50 years old) etc. Yeah let's have a day to basically shove it in their faces, on the anniversary of their country being taken from them no less. Just so dickheads can get drunk and celebrate what is oh so great about being Australian - getting drunk and telling people to fuck off if they don't want to assimilate and act as braindead as a lot of us do. No wonder we are a laughing stock worldwide.
Yeah a real crock of s***...how exactly are my perceptions f***ed up? Are you unaware of the truly horrible things that have been done to Indigenous Australians over the years? Are we meant to just say oh sorry we stole your land, stole your children, raped your women and tried to breed the black out of you guys mate. All good now? Even now, look at the life expectancies of Indigenous Australians, the health problems they face, and the reasons for all these problems - substances introduced by those who invaded them, trying to deal with being taken from their parents or losing their children because white people think they knew everything (was happening into the 1970s so don't try to say it's not relevant anymore, many of these people are only now 40-50 years old) etc. Yeah let's have a day to basically shove it in their faces, on the anniversary of their country being taken from them no less. Just so dickheads can get drunk and celebrate what is oh so great about being Australian - getting drunk and telling people to f*** off if they don't want to assimilate and act as braindead as a lot of us do. No wonder we are a laughing stock worldwide.

Yeah we tell them to abuse substances, are you even aware of all the opportunities and easy pathways they are given, have you ever filled out a form that said tick this box if your a white Aussie? C'mon man apologies for something I never did? Knew someone would turn this into a talk about something we never committed
All of the above posts are what people think Australia Day means to them (and their interpretation of it) but it's disappointing to see that no-one has mentioned what the real reason for it is. It's a celebration of Australia's birthday as a nation. Does anyone remember Federation in 1901? It's a celebration of cutting the umbilicus from mother England.
For what it's worth I had a quiet one at home with the family, doing some reno on the house. I appreciate the day off on Monday but no festivities for me this year.
Australia Day for me means spending it with your family, enjoying a snag or two, a bevy pr two. Embracing each other whether your background is white, yellow, black or green. I have many friends who are asian or islanders and find it great they embrace today as well.

As we are all Australians. What I don't enjoy about Australia Day is the minority groups/tree huggers saying lets call it Citizens Day. People with aboriginal backgrounds whining about white people and our substances/inventions are killing them. Thats a piss poor excuse.

I dont agree with groups like muslims coming into OUR country preaching their ways saying we are infidels because we do not do as they say. Why come to a country you hate so much. I would not live anywhere I hated.

I come from a proud military background where friends and family members have lived and died to still call Australia Home.

Think Australia needs more patroitism in it to be quite frank and be proud of where we are from and what we have become as a nation.
Australia Day is to represent all the great things in Australia culture a blend of family friends barbecue and beers smiles all round makes day
Yeah we tell them to abuse substances, are you even aware of all the opportunities and easy pathways they are given, have you ever filled out a form that said tick this box if your a white Aussie? C'mon man apologies for something I never did? Knew someone would turn this into a talk about something we never committed
So if the japanese/germans had've won WWII, you'd be happy enough to "harden the hell up, and be writing haiku, eating whale, and sing the japanese national anthem at sporting/cultural events", I take it? As long as they broke us off a couple of crumbs, OF COURSE!!!
So if the japanese/germans had've won WWII, you'd be happy enough to "harden the hell up, and be writing haiku, eating whale, and sing the japanese national anthem at sporting/cultural events", I take it? As long as they broke us off a couple of crumbs, OF COURSE!!!

Oh we are talking hypotheticals now? Sure ill play this game!!! Seriously??? I'm sure if all that happened I wouldn't be here considering I'm the descendant of an English father who migrated here in the 1970's!! I'm sure you will give me crap for that too.
All of the above posts are what people think Australia Day means to them (and their interpretation of it) but it's disappointing to see that no-one has mentioned what the real reason for it is. It's a celebration of Australia's birthday as a nation. Does anyone remember Federation in 1901? It's a celebration of cutting the umbilicus from mother England.

To be fair, if you want to celebrate Australia cutting the umbilicus from the UK, then you'd celebrate the passing of the Australia Act on 7th February 1986. The act essentially separated the Australian and UK parliaments, preventing the UK parliament from legislating in Australia. It is the moment no state had the power to override the Commonwealth, and we became a true self-governing nation. It's about as close an equivalent as we have to the US's Independence Day.

It's somewhat ironic that you want to champion Australia's separation from the UK on a date whose only significance is when the British boats made landfall.

Even after Federation there was no Australia Day. As a relic of colonialism some states had an "Anniversary Day" public holiday but each state held it on a different date, and none of them on the 26th of January. Prior to then the only significance of a holiday on the 26th was the governor giving government workers (ie the elite) a day off to celebrate "Foundation Day" in the 1800s.

It wasn't until the 1936 was the Celebration Council formed to prepare for the 150th Anniversary in 1938, and it wasn't until 1946 that all the states and territories agreed upon the 26th of January. Even then the public holiday was deferred to the nearest Monday, and all celebrations were state focussed and not truly nationalistic.

It wasn't until the government wanted to have a grandiose celebration for the Bicentennial in 1988, did all the states unify their celebrations for Australia Day on the 26th, and its only since 1994 that the 26th has been a national public holiday.

So in the grand scheme of Australia's history, Australia Day as we know it, is a relatively new construct that to me has been weirdly romanticised and given a lot of window dressing for what is essentially a shallow date.

The 26th of January signifies the day when Arthur Phillip first set foot on this land to simply delivery the first shipment of convicts, as a solution the England's problems. The 26th heralds the formation of the first colony, New South Wales, not the founding of a nation. Even so far as 1840 the British themselves were calling the continent New Holland, as the Dutch had been mapping large portions of it since 1644.

So this is why I don't herald or celebrate Australia Day as it is. To me it's a misguided cultural cringe on an insignificant date. And if you want to celebrate out convict roots, our colonial past or our British heritage, then you can't simply wash your hands of the atrocities committed against the Indigenous inhabitants. You take the good with the bad.

This is why I think its entirely fair for some people to feel uncomfortable with the date, and entirely fair for some to call it invasion day, as it is essentially a truer name.

(and for people wanting to blame Aboriginals for the state they are in, please bear in mind this is a people who in the space of 200 odd years have been thrown through a cultural revolution that took Europeans 1000s of years. In that time they have been slaughtered, enslaved, vilified and generally treated as sub-human. Hell it wasn't until 1965 that Aboriginals across the country had the right to vote.)

EDIT: I'll add (if you got this far) that the above wasn't supposed to be some brow beating sermon on the evils of Australia Day. It's perfectly fine as some arbitrary day to revel in the fortune we enjoy in this country and share it with everyone regardless of colour or creed. :)
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