Starting a blog on PAUL GEORGE


Real Name
Hi guys,

Just wanted to let you know that I started a tumblr on PAUL GEORGE, my main PC player and certainly the young guy I like the most in the NBA.

The goal here is to aggregate all the interesting content found on the Web around him, so videos, photos & articles from different websites will be available on a unique platform dedicated to him

Here is the link -->

Hope you'll enjoy it!

Cheers from Belgium

"lilreddevil" said:
Most people who use tumblr are fangirls posting up pics of sexy abs or hot models, nice to see someone use it differently

Over the years, I have enjoyed the platform, and blogs in general, for interesting music content, but I see your point with teens talking about the latest breaking news on Justin Bieber And yes I'm a big fan of PG, I think he could be a great player in this league if he continues to improve, and he seems inclined to at least try to become a better player. Btw, Pacers are a really nice team to watch, with a lot of young players who seem enjoying playing together!