Perth Trade Night?

At least someone is coming along . Everyone else interested has lmk they can't make it or haven't responded to the last lot of pms...

On another note, since the Platinum post service ****ed up with delivering my boxes to bust tonight, I have to pick it up tomorrow. Picking up from there instead of the instead of the airport would have been so much easier, but no, some dickhead had to bugger it up . Not happy..
I know people have lives and unexpected things happen and all, but I find it quite hard to believe everyone had something on that night and then some other didn't even bother to tell me that weren't turning up. There was 2 months notice on this and if everyone couldn't have made it originally, I would have been happier to reschedule.

I know I wont be organising one of these again, thats for sure..

haha, was my company that bad?
hope i didn't manage to offend anyone, lol
haha, was my company that bad?
hope i didn't manage to offend anyone, lol

Gawd, you really do give me reasons to hate you, don't you!

Next time I'm in Perth, you will be wearing my hand on your face

I enjoyed myself anyway. Got to meet two awesome people! How can I complain?

Next time, I say lets just go out for drinks or something