Old Judge & Dogs. Tobacco Card


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Hi, I found a box of old cards in my Grand dad’s estate. A lot from the early 1900s and this Old Judge & Dogs card which I believe is from the 1880s.
Could someone give me some more information and possibly what its value may be.
Any information would be great.
This card is from the late 1880's. Issued by Goodwin Old Judge from the U.S.A. in cigarettes for sale in Australia. Mostly actresses in the set, there are some other sports and celebrities as well. Probably worth $50-$100 usd to most or less. I'd offer the high end because I collect them. Let me know if interested in selling.
Gday to everyone I have this card and would like to buy others preferably the VFL or cricket ones let me no if you have any to sell or I might be interested in swaping this card for one of them. Regards Mathew.
This card is from the late 1880's. Issued by Goodwin Old Judge from the U.S.A. in cigarettes for sale in Australia. Mostly actresses in the set, there are some other sports and celebrities as well. Probably worth $50-$100 usd to most or less. I'd offer the high end because I collect them. Let me know if interested in selling.
Gday mate do you have any for sale or swap. Regards Mathew
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