New Feature For Sale/Trade Agreements Forum


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I've just added a new feature to the Submit Sale And Trade agreements forum.

Submit Sale & Trade Agreements -

In case you can't see it, it adds a title before the thread title to show the status of the deal - currently I have In Progress or Completed. If you think more need to be added please let me know.

It will be up the person who creates the thread to move it to In Progress when creating the thread by selecting the drop down as follows :

When the deal is complete, it is up to the person who started the thread to modify thread and move it to completed. This should be done after all cards/money has been exchanged and both parties have left feedback.

** To add this feature to all existing posts, or to move a deal from In Progress to Completed, click on edit, then go advanced. On the next page you should be able to add the prefix of In Progress or Completed to your agreement threads. **

When you go into the thread, do you have a Thread Tools button at the top ? If you click that and select Edit Thread - does that work ? Let me know if it doesnt and I will try to make it happen
When you go into the thread, do you have a Thread Tools button at the top ? If you click that and select Edit Thread - does that work ? Let me know if it doesnt and I will try to make it happen

I've got 4 options:

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There is also no "Edit" button at the bottom of the first post (there was before).
Ok - there was a time limit set on editing a thread title. It was set pretty low. Try now and see if you can edit a thread title you created and whether it has the in progress/completed options.
what about a 3rd one for trades that go awry?

could you also have the steps involved in the trade something like:
*payment sent/received
*cards sent/received

I was thinking the trade problem one in red - might be a goer. The other ones - well I think we are going to have a hard enough time getting people to change these ones We will see .. if it works then maybe we can add more.
Ok - looks like thats only an admin thing

Try editing your post - click edit, then go advanced. You should be able to add/change the thread status there.
Yep thanks Graham, got it now. Must have been the time limit thingy before =)
Not sure if it is possible, but can you get the threads marked with "Completed Deals" to float to the top of the list? It probably isn't necessary, as you guys can probably search by that tag and move the threads accordingly, I was just interested in if it was possible.
This is a great option!

Just thought I share if you guys dont know/do this yet.... I went to all the "threads I started" and there I see all the deals I've done. Saves me time in finding and opening pages after pages of submitted deals...
