Drive to the Finals fantasy comp


the ginger ninja
Real Name
eBay User
Hey is anyone else doing this game this year? several of us did it the past couple years, im just playing it by myself, no league this year...which is a shame cos im kickin ass with my picks so far! just had to brag about my score haha

so check this, im sittin on 278 PRA score, overall rank #305 (keep in mind this game is world wide, there must be hundreds of thousands playing) in in the 98th percentile of players....none too shabby is anyone else playing and if so hows your picks doing?
ummm, holy ****....just checked how i went after todays too shabby i must say....ill let the picture speak for itself

and let me say again...unless im very much mistaken, this competition is worldwide, must be thousands, if not tens of thousands of players...

oh and yes, you may now refer to me as God.
Earth to God..."click refresh on that browser". lol Very nice still, you always had a knack with this comp..
haha, yeh i knew it was too good to be true, i refreshed about 15 minutes later and had dropped to about 160

im going pretty good though, im sitting on overall rank #115 in the 99th percentile after todays game...glad i havent gone with the ahem "expert" picks this year, Rick Kaml'as sitting about #3000 i think

why cant my bball expertise translate to supercoach though, im copping a beating every round!
well, did pretty bloody well in the end, finished a very respectable 77th of about 18,000 players.

really spewing i actually missed one game (game 3 of the finals) with a pick, so by my calculations could have finished just around the top 20. i was sitting at #17 before i missed that pick....ARGH!!!!!

oh well, theres always next year.

didnt ANYONE else do it this year???