Movie - Help??


Banned User
Melbourne, Australia
Real Name
Kyle Redenbach
eBay User
Hey guys, i need help with an old movie im trying to find but cant remember what its called, i havent seen it since i was young (bout 10).

Its about Aliens invading earth in some kids backyard, they take over peoples bodies and each one has a tik or something on the backs of there necks.

Lol... i do recall a teacher in the film eating a rat or something, i think it was early nineties but thats all the info i have.. anyone know????
Try to find some more info! I was big into that sort of stuff when I was little and I know I would have seen it! I'll check the cult section of my video store when i get the chance! Love a good mystery!
If you can remember one of the actors or character names or even the year try:

You can search by director/actor/character name etc.....its a great movie database and has won me a few bets.....

Had a quick look and don't hink it was as big as this one, but it fits the description, Bad Taste?
I remember a movie from ages ago that could be it , it's called the stuff
Hey was it that movie where they had to drink heaps of water? And it had that bad cop from terminator 2 in it as the coach?
Hey dude,

Is it V? Did they were red jump suits and at first they were friendly with the humans? They movie was cool back in its day!


The one were they had 2 drink lots of water was faculty