Master sets - SciFi

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Nonsport - Comics/SciFi
temporarily UK
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eBay User
It looks like I am going to move to the UK for several years and will be putting my cards in storage. To reduce the amount of stuff my friend has to hold, I am going to sell off bulky items. All of these sets are available, most with binders. I will sell with or without the various autograph and costume cards so let me know what you want from the set and I can price it (or make an offer). However, I won't break up the lower level cards (that is, the base set and insert sets stay with the binder).

I have now sold the comics and LoTR, so only science fiction sets are left. I have also left the country again so I am limited in how much I can modify master sets as the person who would send them out is not a collector.

Science Fiction
Stargate SG-1 (all seasons)
Stargate Atlantis (all seasons)
Andromeda: Reign of the Commonwealth
Battlestar Galactica (1978 Dartt)
Battlestar Galactica: Colonial Warriors
Battlestar Galactica: Complete
Firefly + Serenity
Star Wars 30th Annniversary
Star Wars Finest
Star Wars Vehicles
Star Wars Chrome Archives
Star Wars Galaxy (all series)
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