Mailday battle anyone???


the ginger ninja
Real Name
eBay User
ive had a few nice cards come in this week and a few more coming by the end of next week so does anyone wanna set up a battle for say, next weekend, to give them a bit of time to prepare??? say about a 10 card battle...

cmon someone i havent battled yet!
Depends what sort of cards you have incoming. I have some reasonably nice stuff incoming and here already (last 2 weeks). Nothing super high end though.
same mate, youve seen my maildays, i aint packing 1/1s or anything jaw dropping. just some nice amares and some old school stuff. if your keen lmk.
Done Jezza. So next weekend is good for me, name a time & format and I'll be ready. PM me
I just received some very nice mail I've been waiting on should make for a good battle now
cant wait to see em, sounds impressive.

how many cards do you want to use? and how about sunday night for the battle?
I'm good for Friday through Monday! 4 day weekend baby!!! Let me know what suits you and I can dig.