I'm going to the USA Feb 2005!


Near Melbourne.
Hey, people.

I just won a competition to go the USA, Denver Colorado 22nd to 24th Feb, 2006. It's not a holiday, as such. It's to attend the Maths Conference (work related) but I will have some spare time when I am there. I submitted an entry that required me to write a unit of work using the TI Calculators (TI sponsored event). The judging panel select about 4 or 5 people to win an expsenses paid trip. Fucking trippin!!!

Too lazy to check now, but are the Nuggets playing home then? I might be able to catch them for a game and take some real live pictures!

I'll be buying a few boxes without paying postage fees on top!

If I get a chance, I might try and see if I can swing a deal for a bulk purchase... If anyone can let me know the address of some card shops in Denver, Colorado I'll be able to visit and see what's going cheap or being sold on special - whatever!

Too excited to type more. It's not every day you win a free trip to the USA!!!!
You lucky bastard.

I think you are going to need a bag boy.

Unfortunately they are playing on the 21st againts Charlotte @ home.
Then @ Minnesota on the 24th.

Man you are one lucky person. Wish you could take all of us there so we can go on a card spree without the need to buy the box and then wait till it gets posted here, we can all buy it and bust it all at the same time. Good work mate.
Congrats Terry. Well done. Enjoy your trip, and picking up some boxes. I personally don't know anything that will help you, but good luck in finding info. I'm sure somebody will be able to help.
Thanks for the good wishes. Spewing that I won't see the Nuggets play a game!

I have a feeling that my shopping time will be minimal, but all I need is a little time in a larger card shop to get some good box prices.

Anyway, duty free alcohol and cigarettes is good. (I don't smoke - I just re-sell the packets to mates who do. A win-win situation)

I'll search out the card shops in Denver on my holidays so I can attack them with a plan when I am there.