HUGE week of mail!!! Absolutely STOKED!!!


the ginger ninja
Real Name
eBay User
Ladies and Gents, i am sooo bloody stoked with this latest batch of mail, there's some rare autos that ive been waiting a LONG time to acquire, not to mention another 2 legend's collection completed! hope you enjoy viewing as much as i enjoyed adding to the PC!!!

one more for the tennis autos collection: the lovely Elena Dementieva

as usual, some love for my boy amare

and now, another old school legend's mini-collection is completed, the only player to ever lead the league in scoring and assists in the same season. think about how amazing that is; think steve nash in his prime. now add an extra 20ppg to his statline. you got a man Tiny by name, but his game was anything but tiny. here's the collection together



Patch #/35


Now, these 3 autos ive been chasing for the better part of 2 years, ive seen em pop up and get outbid a number of times, but the suckers are all mine now, and if they do leave my PC, itl be over my cold dead body

Had to get an auto this guy in a phoenix jersey

I overpaid for this one (the second most ive ever spent on a card!), but bugger it, its only money (says he with about 20 bucks to his name now ) RIP Dave.

And to finish off, another legend's mini-collection completed, one of the big boys of hoops history, i would have loved to see this guy in action, give it up for the BIG O



Patch #/20


Thanks for looking, peace out, i think i may be cooling my heels on buying singles for a while, need to replenish the bank balance. Til then, enjoy!
Very nice indeed mate.Love the auto's & the 2 patchs.Well done.
Nice work Jizza. I know the feeling of only $20 in the bank - had it last week lol, my heart goes out to you!

But you have those nice cards to comfort you right now!!
That Oscar patch is a beauty
Ooooops sorry JZA, that would be me throwing in that last second bid and driving the price up on the Debusschere If I hadn't placed that bid, you'd have won it for $40 less than what it went for i.e. the next bidder's highest bid. Nice cards!
Wow! Love The Big O auto....nice to see him sign his whole name! Thats an awesome mailday!
